EURAM 2021
EURAM2020 gave attendees the opportunity to present their papers live to an online audience and to receive real-time feedback from participants in different countries across Europe and beyond. The same opportunities to present a paper live to an engaged online audience for immediate feedback will be offered to participants at the EURAM2021 online conference.
Research Methods and Research Practice (RM&RP) SIG and Tracks
EURAM’s Research Methods and Research Practice strategic interest group (SIG) invites you to submit full-length articles for the tracks that fall within its domain. The RM&RP SIG’s general track welcomes papers on all aspects of research, from underlying epistemological and ontological assumptions, through consideration of research design and the associated logics, approaches to reviewing the literature, collection of evidence, analysis of data and dissemination of findings. Papers may come from any methodological approach, disciplinary background, international context and be written using any theoretical predilections or paradigm. The SIG’s general track also welcomes papers about practices that affect the conduct of research including research methods teaching, funding regimes, research quality audits, journal quality lists, working across languages, ethical regulation, research networks, etc. The SIG also has a number of specialist tracks that seek papers from authors working within a particular paradigm or utilising models for particular settings.
Track 12.00: Research Methods and Research Practice general track.
This general track welcomes papers on all of the aspects of research methods and research practice that fall in the SIG’s domain, as described above.
Track chairs:
David Guttormsen (USN School of Business, University of South-Eastern Norway) –
Huiping Xian (University of Sheffield, UK) –
Track 12.01: Organizational Coevolution and Ecosystems standing track
This specialist standing track invites papers to advance theory and method on the growing body of co-evolutionary and ecosystem research.
Track chair: Johan Kask, Örebro University -
Track 12.03: Research Methods for Complex Adaptive Systems standing track
This specialist standing track invites papers that develop understanding of research methods in complex adaptive systems and agent-based modelling.
Track chair: Davide Secchi, Research Centre for Computational and Organisational Cognition, U. of Southern Denmark -
Track 12.04: Resource Interaction Research and Network Approaches conference track
This specialist track invites papers about resource combinations across organisations, investigated by means of various network approaches
Track chair: Enrico Baraldi, Uppsala University -
Deadline for submissions: 2 pm Belgian time on 12th January 2021.
Participants who submit to the specialist tracks are advised that should these tracks not receive twenty submissions, EURAM’s rules mean their submissions may be migrated to the general Research Methods and Research Practice track where they may either be reviewed by reviewers with general expertise in research methods and research practice, or they may be transferred to other SIGs’ domains if the papers’ content suggests such a transfer. All authors are, thus, encouraged to show clearly how their papers relate to the ideas covered in the domain of the SIG to which the paper has been submitted.
The SIG chairs – Gianpaolo Abatecola (email and Bill Lee (email – welcome early discussions with colleagues who wish to propose specialist tracks and symposia to focus on any of the specific issues covered by the SIG at the 2022 EURAM conference in Switzerland.